ALMA: What role does a woman's individual pain tolerance play during childbirth?
Elena: Every woman experiences pain in her own way. It depends on various factors, such as physical condition, mental attitude and even previous experiences with pain. So there is no universal definition of pain during childbirth.
ALMA: In what form can pain occur during childbirth?
Elena: During childbirth, pain is a constant companion that naturally alternates with pauses - this should be emphasized. Every birth begins in its own way. Some start with frequent contractions, while others start more slowly as they have to adapt to the situation. Many women experience physical tension due to the pain, which can increase the suffering.
ALMA: How can women deal with the pain of childbirth in a natural way?
Elena: It's best - and this is a challenge for many - to embrace the pain, to accept the pain as a constant companion, so to speak, and find ways to deal with it. This means accepting: “This is how it is now. I do my best to relax as much as I can after every contraction. I'm looking for the ideal position to cope with the whole birth in the best possible way.”
“It's a journey you can prepare for, but ultimately it's a journey into the unknown that should be approached with openness and determination.”
ALMA: What advice would you give to other women preparing to give birth?
Elena: I would advise them to be open to different ways of coping with pain and to be prepared for the fact that it can be an intense but also transformative experience. It's important to get support and allow yourself to embrace the pain and move through it. It's a journey you can prepare for, but ultimately it's a journey into the unknown that should be approached with openness and determination.
ALMA: As a midwife, how do you support women with pain relief during childbirth?
Elena: As midwives, we support women during childbirth in various ways. We provide information about the birth process and pain relief options, emotional support, help with physical positioning and the use of relaxation techniques, support with decision-making and provide ongoing care. This comprehensive support helps to make the birth process more comfortable and enables a positive birth experience.